بيثون أساسيات: من صفر إلى رمز البطل

اخر تحديث مارس 10, 2025
1 التحق بالفعل

حول هذه الدورة

Ever wanted to learn to code, but felt like it was too complicated? Let’s take that fear away! In ‘Python Fundamentals: From Zero to Code Hero,’ we’ll gently guide you through the exciting world of Python. Think of it as learning a new language, but one that lets you talk to computers! We’ll start with the very basics, like how to write simple instructions, and gradually build up to creating your own mini-programs. You’ll get to play with fun examples, solve real-life puzzles, and see how coding can actually make things easier. Imagine automating those boring tasks, or even building a simple game! We’ll break down those tricky concepts into easy-to-understand steps, so you’ll never feel lost. By the end of this course, you’ll not only understand Python, but you’ll also feel that ‘aha!’ moment when you realize you can actually create something cool with code. No tech wizardry required – just your curiosity and a willingness to try. Let’s start this coding adventure together!


أهداف التعلم

Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing


  • There are no software or materials needed
  • You'll be equipped with confidence and skills during this course, so simply need a willingness to learn
  • Have some examples in mind of areas you'd like to negotiate over

منهاج دراسي

6 دروس2h 20m


Internal vs External Factors
test video

Opening Offers



500,00 جنيه1.000,00 جنيه

50% خصم
المدة الزمنية 2.3 ساعات
6 محاضرات

ترغب في الحصول على إشعارات الرئيسية في الموقع الأنشطة ؟

حدد الحقول التي تريد أن تظهر. الآخرين سوف تكون مخفية. سحب وإسقاط لإعادة ترتيب.
  • صورة
  • الكود
  • تصنيف
  • السعر
  • الأسهم
  • توافر
  • إضافة إلى السلة
  • الوصف
  • المحتوى
  • الوزن
  • الأبعاد
  • معلومات إضافية
انقر خارج لإخفاء شريط المقارنة

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